Intelligent Apps

What are intelligent apps??? 

Application intelligence is the process of using machine learning technology to create apps that use historical and real-time data to make predictions and decisions to deliver rich, adaptive, personalized experiences for users.
You can see intelligent apps as application of AI and advance machine learning in the form of applications.
"According to Bill Schmarzo, the CTO of Dell EMC Services, apps that not only know how to support or enable key user decisions, but also continually learn from the user interactions to become even more relevant and valuable to those users, are known as intelligent apps". 

Intelligent apps can accomplish one or more of the following tasks: 

These apps can study our behavior and choices and thereby make contextual predictions.
They can differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information with the help of AI algorithms.
They can act as your personal assistant by being capable of getting necessary work done on time without bothering you with notification.
They would even act proactively, i.e., act on your behalf without waiting for you to take action.

some best examples of IA is -

     1 chat-bots(Fandango , Spotify)
   2 virtual assistants(Siri , Cortana)
   3 Ruuh (Facebook desi AI chatbot who never stop talking to you )
   4 ADA(An app who take care of health )